Angličtina 7
LEKCE 3 - What did you do last weekend?
do 3. 4. 2020
Thank you all for your well done presentations about Auckland
Also most of you´ve done great job in test.
Correct answers from last week tests. Click here. 👉
Klíč k cvičením lekce 2:
“My new home”
1False 2False 3True 4True 5True 6False 7True 8False
“Where were you last weekend?”
He was at the Theme park with his sister Claire.
Henry was at his cousine´s wedding. Azra was on holiday in Croatia with her family.
He was in bed. He was ill.
Exercise 1:
Irregular verbs
Rehearse (zopakuj) Past simple form of Irregular verbs in Workbook pg. 79. (You learned it last year)
Take a time. You have 1 week.
After this, make this Past simple - Irregular verbs test.
Exercise 2:
Past simple - Grammar
Watch my presentation or read an explanation about using Past simple in Grammar Summary - WB pg.67-69
Exercise 3:
Workbook exercises
In your Workbook make exercises 1,2,3/ page 4, 1/page 6 and 4/ page 7
You don´t neet to send it to me. After doing it check it by yourself.
Here are correct answers. Click also Emoji picture. 👉
ex.1/4 pg.
1. go to university 2.get a job 3. start school 4. move house 5. get married 6. be born
ex.2/4 pg.
was born 2. grew up 3. moved 4. left school 5. got job 6.met 7. got married 8. was born 9. died
ex. 1/ 6 pg.
went skiing / was brilliant
wasn´t bad / went swimming
was terrible / was ill
went to the theatre / was a bit boring
ex. 4/ 7 pg.
Were 2. Did 3. go 4. was 5. Were 6. like 7. Were 8. Did
Exercise 4:
Listen to three dialogues, each between a different pair of friends.
End each sentence with correct option.
The first pair is Helen and Sanjit
The secont pair is Martha and Hayley
The third pair is Chen and Tom
Exercise 5:
Vocabulary 1A
Write into your vocabulary book and learn new vocabulary 1B - A surprise for Smart Alec! (pg.74)
Exercise 6:
Practicing with CD (CD is in your Workbook)
Grammar Unit 1 Exercises 2,3,4,5,6
Optional exercises:
Extra links for students who want to do something more.
crossword - simple past - easy
write past simple and past participle form of Irregular verbs
listen to short story and answer True or False
Informace pro žáky s podpůrnými opatřeními k 3 lekci
Chválím žáky s PO za to, že jste velmi dobře vypracovali úkoly zadané v lekci 2. 🙂
Tady máte úkoly zadané do pátku 3.4.2020
Jestli nebudeš něčemu rozumět nebo budeš potřebovat s něčím poradit, neboj se napsat na můj e-mail:
Cvičení 1:
Z pracovního sešitu si vypište a naučte se tvary těchto nepravidelných sloves v minulém čase:
go, get, say, know, read, write ride, sit, win, eat, come, take, see, give.
Nepravidelná slovesa a jejich tvar v minulém čase - Past simple najdete na str. 79.
Když si myslíte, že to máte zvládnuté, udělejte si test.
Klíč k cvičením 1,2/str.4 ✅
ex.1/4 pg.
1. go to university 2.get a job 3. start school 4. move house 5. get married 6. be born
ex.2/4 pg.
was born 2. grew up 3. moved 4. left school 5. got job 6.met 7. got married 8. was born 9. died
Cvičení 3:
Zapište si slovíčka 1B A surprise for Smart Alec - prac.sešit str.74 po slovo “fantastic”
Cvičení 4:
Pokuste si osvojené učivo prověřit na CD :
Unit 1- Grammar - Exercises 2,5,6
Unit 1 - Vocabulary - Exercise 1 Life Stages
Zpětná vazba:
Prosím vyplň dotazník o tom, jak se ti pracovalo.
Jestli si myslíš, že zvládneš ještě některá náročnější cvičení, klidně si je zkus udělat.